Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An amazing and wonderful person,our friend who I will just call our little bird was able to find some very valuable and precious information out for us. She sent us the document that we will treasure. Matt and Molly's cabin is indeed a lucky one, and with that being said... On Sepember 14th we recieved our first decree! We had our hearing on September 10th and now we wait for the 10 days which will be over September 24th and hope to get the finale! We havent heard from our agency yet and assume that Chung Yi just got this info probably. We are so thanful to have meet this person whom we have come to know and cherish as a friend and today we all celebrate here in the mountains. We will be heading back home to Fl tonight and posting picks on Landons blog of Malone and Landon. Hope everyone gets good news soon epecially our little bird!


Tisra said...

Um...*I want a "little bird"*. Ha! So pleased for you. Ti will be coming home soon!!!! Hooray!!!

waiting for referral

Shana said...

Great news!! I wish we could have joined you guys - I'm so sad we couldn't make it. Hope it was a fun trip and can't wait to see pics. So does this mean travel should be in October?! I need a little friend like yours. LOL!

Judy said...

Celebrating along with you!!! :)

Annie said...

Yay! You're getting so close to travel! Just a little bit longer!

Sarah said...

Yay to "little bird"! How great to get this info, especially on your trip to the cabin with the 3Ms! YAY!

Sherry said...

Yay!! Thats great news! That very special "travel" phone call has gotta be on its way anytime now:)

MOM said...

Nicole, I am so glad things are moving along for you. I can't wait to see you travel. God bless, Debbie